fuck the love
- casual mourning dress
- insanely conceptual garment sewed of abundance of negative creativity
- fairly seamless and higly existencial
fuck the love
- casual mourning dress
- insanely conceptual garment sewed of abundance of negative creativity
- fairly seamless and higly existencial
fuck the love
- casual mourning dress
- insanely conceptual garment sewed of abundance of negative creativity
- fairly seamless and higly existencial
Open Studio Sessions
Open Studio Sessions provide you a spot in our ceramic studio where you can work on your own design. You will get a place to work & ceramics tools and machines to use + clay. Sessions are designed for those who already have at least some experience with pottery and need a place to work on their own ideas.
Open Studio Sessions does not offer formal instruction or supervision by us. However, we can give you some advice or help.
Each session is a 3 hours duration.
Price: 250 DKK
Inc.: Clay (250g), tools, studio glazes
and two firings incl.

During the open stdio sessions, one gets 250g of clay and access to a throwing wheel, slab roller, studio plaster moulds, dip studio glazes & underglazes.
One can purchase more clay in the studio if needed.
You can use recycled clay for free if its not going to be fired.
During the Open Studio Sessions, you can use a pottery wheel. Booking in advance is required.
The available body of clay>
Black stoneware
0,2mm/0,5mm chamotte,
White stoneware (25%chamotte; 0,2mm/without chamotte),
Lava stoneware
(25% chamotte; 0,2mm).